Tom Werkheiser

Web Designer and Developer.

WordPress Theme

Rosalie's Attic
WordPress Theme

Tom Werkheiser Photo Portfolio
WordPress Theme

Initial Mailer - In Development
PHP and Laravel framework

Why, hello there

My name is Tom Werkheiser and I build websites. I have a passion for making clean, usable, and professional websites. My tools that I use are Sublime Text, CodeKit, and MAMP. My newest addiction for building websites is SASS the CSS preprocessor.

This past summer I decided to go back to school for a degree in computer science. Going back to school I am using C++ to build software. Going back and learning C++ has helped me in programming in general and also helped my PHP development.

Currently I am working on a site called trickle. Normally I am the front end developer of sites, for this project I am getting away from my comfort zone in the front end and going to the back end. With this site I am developing with PHP and laravel framework. This site will be a resourse for designers and will show how designers are inspired by others.

When not building sites, I love photography. You can check out my photography at my photo portfolio site. My newest subject for photography is my daughter who was born this past summer.

  • Lover of SASS
  • Javascript/jQuery
  • WordPress
  • Laravel
  • Adobe Creative Suites
  • Responsive Web Design